Embassy and Consulates of Belgium in Norway and Iceland
Home Consular services Belgian passport

Belgian passport


  • General guidelines
  • Application – Adults and minors from the age of 6
  • Application - Minors younger than 6
  • Delay of delivery
  • Rates
  • Apply for your passport elsewhere
  • Loss/Theft
  • Adding the name of spouse/children into the passport

General guidelines

  • As stipulated in the Consular Lawbook (15 june 2015), Belgian embassies and consulates can deliver passports only to Belgian citizens registered in the consular registers. It is no longer possible to receive a passport through our services without being registered in the consular registers.
  • Belgian embassies and consulates deliver only biometric passports. For the production of these passports the Embassy registers your pass photo, finger prints and digital signature. As such, applying for a passport requires a PERSONAL visit to the Embassy. Please make sure to book an appointment.
    There is no biometric registration for children younger than 6. Passports for children younger than 6 can still be ordered by post (see further)
  • You do not need to collect your passport in person. After production, the passport can be sent to you by, and only by, recommended mail, at your own expense (see further). Normal post is not allowed due to security regulations.
  • A passport can be applied for, under stipulated conditions, elsewhere (see further).
  • A passport is always delivered there where it was applied for. 
  • The validity of a passport is 7 years (adults) or 5 years (minors).

Procedure - Adults and minors from the age of 6

Book an appointment via our website. 

During your visit you present the following documents:

  • A completed and signed application form. For minors the signature of both (!) parents is required, unless the guardianship was appointed otherwise. If so, proof of guardianship (Court) is to be presented.
  • Proof of payment (see rates), if you wish to pay in advance. It is also possible to pay electronically at the embassy during your appointment.
  • Your current passport has to be returned. If you are no longer in possession of your current passport, you need to declare its loss/theft at the local police office and DOCSTOP.
    You also provide a completed and signed declaration of loss/theft (available only in NL/FR):

    - Aangifte verlies/diefstal identiteitsdocument
    - Déclaration perte/vol document d'identité

Procedure - Minors younger than 6

Please send us by post or deliver in person (appointment) the following original documents:

  • A completed and signed application form, filled out in name of the child. The signature of both (!) parents is required, unless the guardianship was appointed otherwise. If so, proof of guardianship (Court) is to be presented.
  • A proof of payment by transfer, including the expenses for the recommended envoy (See rates).
  • Two recent (max. 1 month) pass photo's in colour, complying with the ICAO standards.
  • The current passport. If you are no longer in possession of your current passport, you need to declare its loss/theft at the local police office and DOCSTOP.

    You also provide a completed and signed declaration of loss/theft:

    - Aangifte verlies/diefstal identiteitsdocument
    - Déclaration perte/vol document d'identité

Delay of delivery

Approximately 7 office days. If the passport is to be sent by recommended post, you need to calculate 4 - 7 days in addition.


A list of the current rates and payment options is available here

Applying for your passport elsewhere?

Belgian citizens, registered in the consular registers, can apply for a passport in:

  • His/her consular post of registration (For Norway/Iceland, this is Oslo).

Or, with approval of the consular post where you are registered:

  • Another consular post (E.g. Stockholm, Copenhagen, etc.);
  • In Belgium, in the last commune of residence;
  • In Belgium, in the commune of birth (if never having resided in Belgium);
  • In Belgium, in a commune of choice (if never having resided in Belgium nor was born in Belgium);

(!) If you are registered in the consular registers of the Embassy and you wish to apply for your passport elsewhere, then you need to inform us accordingly. The Embassy needs to approve the application should it take place in another consular post or a Belgian commune.

If not, your application can not be processed further and delay the production.

You are to inform yourself regarding the application and delivery terms of the concerned post/commune.


Adding the name of spouse/children into the passport

At your express request the name of your spouse/children can be added in the passport. Only data effectively registered in the Belgian national registry can be added, this in the language of the passport itself. All expenses linked to the sending/returning of your passport by post are at your own expense (see rates).

It is explicitely prohibited to add any information yourself.